Spring has finally arrived! After the long months of winter, many people cannot wait to enjoy the outdoors. If you love hiking and trekking and cannot wait to go camping, then you should check out our selection of the best ecofriendly camping gear.
Campers are usually nature-lovers and want to avoid pollution. Therefore, if you are campaign because you consider it to be the most sustainable travel option, make sure you choose the right ecofriendly camping gear. Always make sure to leave no trace of your presence behind and avoid causing any environmental harm.
These products can help make your camping trip as ecofriendly as possible:
Vaude – Tents
A tent can make or break a campaign trip. Having a good tent where you can protected from the weather and where you feel safe and comfortable is essential. Thankfully, Vaude has plenty of sustainable tents to choose from.
You might prefer a small and lightweight backpacking tenet, such as the Arco, or maybe a bigger one for a couple, such as the Low Chapel. If you like hardcore camping even during the winter season, then you might consider the Power Sphaerio, a mountain tent for three people which can withstand wind, rain, and snow.
All of Vaude’s tents are made from environmentally friendly materials using energy-efficient methods. The company makes sure to have good working conditions and helps you to maintain your products for long-term use.
Therm-a-Rest – Sleeping
The right sleeping bag and pad can seem almost impossible to find. With Therm-a-Rest , an ecofriendly company specializing in sleeping systems for camping, you can be sure to discover the right one for you!
Therm-a-Rest offers sleeping pads, sleeping bags, quilts, pillows, cots and seating. You can find the right one for you and your trip through the section “Sleeping pad finder” in their website. They also offer collections of sleeping systems organized by traveling style, such as Ultralight Hiking, Backpacking, Car Camping, Warm Weather or Cold Weather.
You can explore Therm-a-Rest commitment to sustainability on their 2018 Sustainability Report. Their products are mostly manufactured in Ireland and they are Responsible Down Standard Certified.
Surviveware – Wipes and cleaning accessories
Hygiene is very important to ensure a satisfying camping experience. However, many hygiene products contain chemicals harmful for the environment and end up polluting camping sites. Surviveware biodegradable wet wipes are a great away to avoid this problem. The wipes start to biodegrade within 28 days and are hypoallergenic, making them ideal for sensitive skin.
Surviveware also sells compressed biodegradable compress wipes, which can be used as a wipe, toilet paper or towel. These products are durable and reusable, so they are great for ecofriendly campers.
BioLite – Stoves
All self-reliant campers need a good stove to cook their food. The BioLite CampStove 2+ can turn fire into electricity, with great fuel efficiency. It produces 95% less smoke than a campfire and you do not need to carry around propane to cook. Because it generates electricity, you can also charge your gear at the same time!
Plus, it has ChromaReal LED technology, so it can easily light its surroundings when turned on. Portable with a sleek design, this the BioLite CampStove is a must have for all campers. You might also like to discover their CampStove Complete Cook Kit, so you can ensure you have all you need to safely cook meals while camping.
Besides the CampStove 2+, BioLite also sells a variety of other eco-friendly portable stoves, kettles, and lightning. Their products are definitely worth checking out!
Bambu Grubware – Eating utensils and dishes
Now that you know which stove you will use to cook your food, where should you eat it? Bambu’s collections Grubware and Veneerware have exactly the sort of ecofriendly eating utensils and dishes you need. All their products are made from certified organic and renewable bamboo, one of the most sustainable and environmentally-friendly materials out here.
All products, from dinner napkins to spokers (a mix of a spoon and a fork) are compostable. Their camping cooking tools are just as elegant, lightweight and durable. You can rely on these products for an ecofriendly and zero-waste meal!
Solar lanterns – LuminAid
The LuminAid PackLite Titan 2-in-1 Phone Charger works as both a latern, lightining up your camp without the need of a fire, and as a charger for your electronic devices. It has Velcro straps that make it easy to hang it anywhere, and can light up a 300 square foot area.
Whenever you need to recharge it, you can do it via a USB port or, even better, you can just let it under the sun and let it recharge via solar power in 16-20 hours. The PackLite Titan 2-in-1 Phone Charger is portable, so whenever you are ready to go you can just put it on your backpack. It is a great solution for campers who love going off-grid and are looking for an alternative to electricity!
Ecogear – Backpacks
Ecogear is a brand that produces hiking backpacks made from recycled fiber from plastic bottles. The hiking backpacks look great and usually have a hydration sleeve and reservoir clip. They come in different colors and sizes, from 80L to 30L, and you can buy hydration packs on the side.
Besides hinking backpacks, Ecogear also sells wheeled duffel bags and hip packs. All their products are produced to minimize environmental impact. If you are looking for a great camping backpack, Ecogear’s lightweight and comfortable products are definitely worth checking out!
We hope this selection of the best ecofriendly camping gear has been useful to you. Always remember to respect nature when camping and try to avoid generating waste as much as possible. By using ecofriendly camping gear, you are already avoiding more pollution and harm to the environment, so always choose to be an eco-conscious consumer!
If you want to discover more ecofriendly products, we encourage you to check out our blog and read articles such as 6 Ecofriendly Active and Sportswear Brands or 10 Brands offering Sustainable Watches.
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Thanks Margarida for the aweosme post. Loved every bit of it. There are many camping gear out there but not all of them are eco-friednly or biodegradable. I think this is the perfect blog for eco conscious people who go for camping. Keep up with the good work.
Thanks for the kind works Jared. Glad you liked it!