One thing that we are extremely passionate about at Ecoripples is sharing companies that are working hard to create natural products. We are very pleased to have had the opportunity to speak with Haylee Perez, the founder of Vida Soaps. She told us all sorts of interesting things about her brand.
The team at Vida Soaps has developed powerful blends to nourish and heal your body, mind, and spirit. Their products are gentle enough for the most sensitive skin problems and potent enough to sooth you at a cellular level. All of their products are sustainably sourced and bee friendly.
Take a look below for the highlights of our conversation with Haylee.
1. Can you tell us why you started Vida Soap?
Over the years Leo (my partner) and I became focused on leading a natural lifestyle. It started with us becoming aware of: the chemical pollutants our bodies are exposed to daily, the environment and our impact, our eating habits, and the world in general.
As we realized our position in the world of consumerism, we decided it would be best to break-free from what major corporations advertise regularly as products “needed” or what “should be used”. We opted for products made naturally and ethically by sustainable companies and small family-owned businesses.
And one day out of the blue, I remember Leo said to me “ Instead of buying soap why don’t we just make it?” and it was a great idea since he had prior experience creating small batches. As a child he would watch his grandmother make lye soap for washing clothing, so he knew the process.
We really enjoyed the idea of being able to tailor make soaps that could help heal and nourish our bodies with the exact herbs and oils we wanted. We “tested” our soaps with friends and family and it was a big hit. They kept asking us to keep creating new batches and that’s how it became a business.
2. What is the “elevator pitch” for Vida?
Vida Soap is an eco-conscious company focused on creating products that are not only detoxifying and healing for your skin but are also great for the environment. The integrity of nature is kept from the specially selected ingredients to the eco-friendly packaging that once planted can grow wildflowers for the bees, its more than just soap— its Life.
3. Why is it important to have all natural soap?
No matter how clean of a lifestyle we lead toxins bombard us on a daily basis in our: air, water, food, chemicals in clothing, furniture, the list goes on.
We have bodies that are fully capable of healing naturally but it can’t do it properly if we’re constantly overwhelming it with toxins. In turn, our bodies become weak or sickly, susceptible to diseases.
Commercial soaps contain toxic parabens and chemicals in the form of synthetic fragrances and colors. These toxins are absorbed into our skin and are doing serious damage that can lead to serious health risks.
That’s why it’s important to opt for healthier choices when it comes to cleansing our bodies. With Natural soaps, there’s no need to worry about adverse side effects or harsh irritating detergents. Natural soaps work by cleansing deep within pores to detoxify, moisturize and nourish the skin. This, in turn, helps speed the restoration process our bodies undergo daily as our cells regenerate, helping our body’s work at optimal performance, where it can heal itself from injuries or diseases.
Using all natural soaps also help create a big environmental impact. Toxic soaps load our drains with chemicals that wind up in the groundwater and soil. Some chemicals don’t degrade and simply remain in the environment for centuries. Some soap companies add animal fats to commercial soaps. This ingredient can be found under the name “Tallow”.
Vegetable based soaps pose no threat to our environment or the animal kingdom.
4. What is the one thing about your brand that you are most proud of?
It feels great to know that Vida’s contributing to making the world a better place, thats what Im most proud of.
Vida Soap helps wash away the things that do not serve us and replenish our body with natures healing ingredients. And at the same time we’re helping to protect and nourish the planet with biodegradable packaging that once planted can grow beautiful wildflowers in your garden to helps support bee life.
5. If people only knew one thing about your business, what would you like it to be?
I would like for people to know the meaning of Vida. When choosing a name for the company I wanted it to mean something, its sort of like a tattoo—its a similar concept.
I needed a word to describe the product, something powerful and meaningful. Every name I thought of would lead me to the concept of life. So I named the soap “Life”. That’s the translation of the word Vida in some languages like Spanish and Portuguese.
6. Can you name a few other brands with a similar vision to yours that we should share with our community?
In the world of natural products, it’s wonderful to see other companies with the same passion and drive to create healing products that give back to greater causes. Anders natural soap does a fine job at creating a natural soap bar that also gives 1% to the planet.
Another company is Schmidt’s Naturals who not only create pure and natural products but they also have a great recycle club for their customers.
Make sure you support Vida Soap by sharing this story and picking up some of their merchandise here!
If you know of a brand that should be featured on Ecoripples, let us know in the comments below.
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