There are some fantastic eco-friendly baby toys out there. However, with the amount of ‘stuff’ out there, finding great brands and toys can be pretty overwhelming. Our team has complied the following list of some of the best eco-friendly baby toys. We hope you enjoy it!
Some of the Best Eco-Friendly Baby Toys
EverEarth is a company that wants to inspire children and parents to get closer to nature. Therefore, their toys are made from environmentally friendly materials and do not include harmful chemicals. EverEarth has a great collection of baby toys on their website. The following rattles are a couple of our favourites.

Maya Organics
Maya Organic is a non-profit organization from India. The company is a member of the World Fair Trade Organization. It focuses on livelihood development by working with a network of artisans, workers and micro-entrepreneurs to produce high quality wooden products. Currently, Maya Organic is working with the artisan community in a small town near the city of Bangalore, India. As part of their core business, they train several new artisans, particularly women, in the art of handicrafts.

Wonderworld is a company from Thailand that is a strong advocate of protecting the environment. They use rubber-wood, an environmentally friendly, renewable resource in the production of their toys. Rubber-wood is harvested as a by-product from the culling of rubber trees that are in excess of 25 years of age. These trees no longer produce latex for commercial applications and are cut down so new rubber trees can be planted. This process ensures that every part of the tree is used and results in no deforestation. The wooden toys of Wonderworld are made from eco-friendly materials and water-based, non-toxic paints.

Uncle Goose
Uncle Goose is an American company that handcrafts wooden blocks in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The company uses materials from around the Great Lakes and is socially and environmentally considerate. They source their products using fast-growing sustainable basswood. Uncle Goose uses non-toxic, child-safe inks on all of their blocks. This company creates some pretty unique blocks. Check out some of our favourite blocks below, but visit their website to see their entire collection of awesome blocks!

Learn more about these Eco-friendly Baby Toy Brands by visiting their websites!
Plan Toys
PlanToys is a company from Trang, Thailand. Founded in 1981, it makes its toys from natural rubber wood trees that no longer produce latex. To keep the wood pure, no fertilizer is added to the soil three years prior to the trees being cut down. The company uses recyclable packaging and water-based inks. Here are a couple of their toys which we think are great!

Now these animals are plenty cool. AnaMalz is an Australlian based company. AnaMalz creates award winning eco and poseable animal figurines made from wood and plush materials. Each piece has its own markings that make anaMalz unique. For every anaMalz that finds a home, a percentage is donated to preserve nature. They have a ton of animals and they are all pretty cool:favourites:

Sophie the Giraffe by Vulli
Sophie the Giraffe is an incredibly recognizable baby toy. We had a baby a few months back. When our youngster is chewing on Sophie’s head, we often hear “oh, she’s got a Sophie too. My kid had/has one of those”. And this is true. Most babies that we know have or had this toy. They all seem to love it. What is not as well known is Sophie’s environmental background.
Sophie is made by the good people of Vulli. The French company make Sophie from 100% natural rubber. The rubber comes from the Hevea tree growing in sustainable forests. The plaster used for the manufacturing of Sophie is sorted separately and recycled in the plaster industry. The waste plastics, scrap metal, and boxes created in the manufacturing process are set aside for recycling. You can learn more about the eco-friendly practices of Vulli here.

Green Toys
Green toys manufactures all of its eco-friendly childrens’ products in the USA. They focus on using a local supply chain to ensure high quality toys. 100% post-consumer recycled plastic is used in their toys. This diverts material from landfills, but also reduce their carbon footprint and potentially harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Green Toys’ non-toxic food-safe toys and tableware are tested throughout every stage of production. Here are a couple of their eco-friendly baby toys:

Apple Park
Apple Park was founded in San Francisco with a vision to create environmentally responsible and luxurious products for babies and children. The name Apple Park comes from ideals that define the brand. The word “apple” stands for a new beginning, the life cycle, nature, love, curiosity and education. “Park” refers to a place where man has collaborated with nature for the purpose of preservation and enjoyment.
Apple Park’s mission is to create unique, lovable and stimulating toys from organic, sustainable and recycled materials. Here are a few of their awesome products:

Here are some other great sites that have put together a list of their favourite Eco-friendly baby toys:
- Rhythms of Play: Eco-Friendly Baby Toys that Boost Development Naturally
- The Spruce: The Top Eco-Friendly Baby Toys
- Natural Baby Mama: Toys (No Plastic!)
- Wellness Mama: Best Natural Toys for Kids
- Bella Luna Toys, they have a great selection of Natural Baby Toys
If you know of any other brands that should be on our list for making the best eco-friendly baby toys, please let us know about them in the comments below.
Our friends at MomLovesBest.com have put together a great resource about The Benefits of Playtime for Kids. It is a very interesting read and answers questions about how much playtime your child should be getting.
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